Friday, March 20, 2020

Pandemic Impact Blog 7, Question 3 – Celebrities (March 26th)

How have celebrities reacted to the pandemic? What do you think of celebrities’ efforts to respond to the current situation? In such situations, do celebrities have the power to influence fans? Limit: 8 responses


  1. The current pandemic is something we have never faced as a society before. Celebrities are no different. As we usually do, we look to celebrities to see what they are doing. Just as we look in normal times to see what they are wearing and who they are hanging out with, in times of despair, we look to entertainers for a distraction. We look to musicians to help us heal, comedians to make us laugh, actors to distract us, and writers to take our mind new places. If artists have done anything in this crisis, they have proven their importance in society.

    Sine many concerts have been canceled and people are stuck at home, many musicians have been performing concerts on live streams for their fans. Billboard has been maintaining a list of all of the online streaming so that fans can stay in the loop. “While sites like Stageit have been offering up live-stream shows for less-known artists for years, the loss of road time has inspired some acts to look for a new, temporary way to bond with fans until a return to normal,” (Billboard Staff). Not only has this been a great distraction, but a way for artists to connect with their fans and share their music when they can no longer do so in concert. Some artists, such as country-pop singer Kelsea Ballerini, were greatly affected by this timing as she released her third studio album on Friday, March 20th. Due to the virus, Ballerini and her team were unable to execute their album release week campaign which included meet and greets with fans, appearances on talk shows, and listening parties with fan club members. Despite this challenge, she was able to find new ways to connect with her fans through an Instagram live countdown to album release as well as a drone delivering pizza and merch to her fans’ doorsteps in celebration of the new album (Ballerini). Even with all the disruption, artists are still finding new ways to be creative and promote fan engagement. That is a true star, if you ask me.

    Stars are also giving back to the community during this time. Rhianna’s “nonprofit organization, the Clara Lionel Foundation, donated $5 million to various organizations supporting underserved communities from the U.S. to Malawi,” (Chan). Brad Paisley’s grocery store in Nashville will be donating food to seniors in need. Just Timberlake donated to his local food back, emphasizing the importance of supporting each other at this time. The list goes on, including celebrities like Vanessa Hudgens, Lil Nas X, Lady Gaga, and more (Chan).

    Many celebrities have been using their star power to advocate for the severity of the disease and the importance of staying home to flatten the curve. They have a large influence over fans and if people see that they are following the rules, hopefully it will encourage them to do the same. “Amid reports of full restaurants and bars, celebrities including George Takei, Kumail Nanjiani, Jeffrey Wright, Padma Lakshi and Debra Messing became frustrated with the slow pace and asked followers to stop going out for anything except essentials. Social media campaigns including #StaytheFHome, #flattenthecurve, #stayhomesavelives and #shutdownnyc are attempting to spread the word about minimizing social contact,” (Saperstein).


    Ballerini, Kelsea. “I Just Want Y'all to Know...” Kelsea Ballerini, Mar. 2020,

    Billboard Staff. “Coronavirus: Ongoing List of Virtual Concerts & Live Streams.” Billboard, 22 Mar. 2020,

    Chan, Anna. “Stars Who Are Giving Back During The Coronavirus Pandemic.” Billboard, 21 Mar. 2020,

    Saperstein, Pat. “Celebrities Implore People to Stay Home to Stop Spread of Coronavirus.” Variety, 16 Mar. 2020,

  2. Wash your hands, stay inside, and social distancing are phrases that I feel that I currently cannot go without seeing when I engaging in any social media. As the virus continues to spread the urge for people to practice good hygiene increases. Celebrities and influencers on all platforms are encouraging their fans to take proper care of themselves to “flatten the curve.” I think that after celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Colton Underwood, and Andy Cohen took to Instagram confirming that they have tested positive for the virus it became a wakeup call for all celebrities that this virus can affect anyone.

    While practicing social distancing, celebrities have been interacting with their followers and fans on social media more than usual. Artists such as John Legend, Hunter Hayes, and Luke Combs have been performing free concerts via Instagram Live to provide their fans stuck at home with some entertainment. This new phenomenon is a great way to shed light on gloomy days for all who are stuck at home. Celebrities are also using their hobbies to fuel fans with entertaining content to keep both parties occupied. While practicing social distancing, Chrissy Teigen posted on her Instagram that she will make custom recipes for people who tag her in a picture of their fridge or pantry (Avila 2020). In a time where fans are desperate for content, celebrities are trying to deliver.

    Noticing the increase of cases and severity of the virus each day, celebrities are also using their platforms to raise awareness and share their story on giving back. Television-personality, Ellen DeGeneres has done her part in giving back by partnering with Shutterfly to donate to Bethenny Frankel, founder of Skinny Girl Brand who is securing masks and other supplies for various hospitals (DeGeneres 2020). In addition to her donation, she has made several posts on her Instagram about other organizations her followers can get involved with and donate to, including Save with Stories and The Humane Society. I think during this time it is beneficial for celebrities and influencers to use their platforms as a spot to advocate for the people in need and social good.

    1. Con'td

      It is individuals such as Evangeline Lilly, who are jeopardizing people for coming in contact with the virus. Lost’s actress posted on her Instagram that she does not believe in social distancing and that she welcomes “lives over freedom” (Henderson 2020). As many other fans and celebrities are outraged with her decision to continue to promote going outside and living as if nothing is going on outside, I am as well. I think as a celebrity you are looked up to in these times of crisis for reassurance that there is still good in the world and people are continuing to help. I think the way Evangeline Lilly used her platform is extremely controversial and goes against what every other celebrity is saying about the virus.

      I think the acts of several celebrities with donations and free live concerts are generous on their part and I think it should continue. Whether people believe it or not celebrities and influencers have the power to influence their fans and I think now is the best time for celebrities to use their platform. As a senior college student, one of the highlights of the spring semester is one last hurrah with your friends as you go on spring break. The virus just so happened to fall during universities spring break and students do not plan for COVID-19 to take their vacation away from them. Students are continuing to party, gather, go out, and not avoid the chances of contracting the virus. In an article by Variety, the Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams encourages Kylie Jenner to use her platform to tell Gen Z to stay inside and take this thing seriously (Wagmeister 2020). Love her or hate her, Kylie Jenner has an immense amount of power. In 2018, after a tweet saying she doesn’t use the app as much anymore, Snapchat’s stock 7.2% wiping out $1.3 billion in market value (Vasquez 2018). In hopes to bring the stock back up, she later tweeted “still love you tho snap.” If Kylie Jenner were to continuously advocate for people to stay inside it could widely help the problem of Gen Z ignoring the necessary precautions. I think it is a smart idea for the Surgeon General to call on Jenner.

      Work Cited:
      Avila, Arielle. “Chrissy Teigen Is So Bored She Wants To Create A Custom Recipe For You.” Chrissy Teigen Is Making Custom Pantry Recipes On Insta, Mar. 2020,

      DeGeneres, Ellen. Instagram, March 2020

      Henderson, Cydney. “Evangeline Lilly Refuses to Self-Quarantine over Coronavirus; Fans Call Stance 'Dangerous'.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 19 Mar. 2020,

      Vasquez, Justina. “Kylie Jenner Helped Erase $1.3 Billion in Snapchat Tweet.” Time, Time, 22 Feb. 2018,

      Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, 19 Mar. 2020,

  3. Every day you can scroll through your social media timelines and see posts about COVID-19. Brands are talking about their store policies going forward, restaurants are updating people on their new hours, and celebrities are encouraging people to stay inside. This kind of situation is new to us all and everyone is trying to manage the best that they can. Celebrities definitely have power to influence fans in this time. In an article posted by Variety, a surgeon was discussing how the media and pop culture can get the message across to teenagers better than a parent could. Dr. Jerome Adams said, “I have a 15 and a 14-year-old, and the more I tell them not to do something, the more they want to do it. What I really think we need to do… it get our influencers out. We need to get Kylie Jenner” (Wagmeister, 2020). In some ways it is hard to believe that a doctor is saying we need celebrities to tell people to stay inside, but when you consider all of the other things that people listen to celebrities about, it makes more sense.
    Celebrities have been making a fair effort in response to all of the events that are happening. Although many artists have had to cancel their upcoming shows and tours, there have been plenty of celebrities using Instagram live as an alternative. This feature has been a good way for fans to stay connected while social distancing. Sports events nationwide have also been cancelled for the season which has provided many fans a lot of disappointment. An article written by Glamour talked about the way’s celebrities have started to give back during this time, they said, “New Orleans Pelicans forward Zion Williamson wants to do his part: he announced on Instagram that he’ll help cover the salaries of those who work at the Smoothie King Center” (Glamour, 2019). Similarly, Donatella Versace and her daughter donated 200,000 euros to Milan’s Raffaele hospital to help address the supplies shortages (Glamour, 2020).
    While there have been many efforts to help prevent the virus from celebrities, there have been a number of celebrities that have been infected. More recently, former bachelor contestant Colton shared an Instagram video announcing that he tested positive. USA Today covered the story and recapped his video sharing how his situation unfolded saying, “In an Instagram video posted Friday, Underwood said he was “exhausted” by the virus despite working out regularly, eating well and overall considering himself ‘pretty healthy’” (Yasharoff, 2020). Many celebrities and influencers that have a relationship to the show reached out via social media sharing their support. It definitely caught the attention of fans because so much talk is placed on older people being the ones who are going to get the virus.
    Because this is all so new and everyone is taking things day by day, I don’t think celebrities could be giving any more of an effort. At the end of the day they are also trying to stay healthy and have to take care of their lives and families.

    1. Yasharoff, H. (2020, March 24). Colton Underwood: 'Still hard to breathe' with COVID-19, 'there was no special treatment' in testing. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from

      Glamour. (2020, March 23). Bethenny Frankel Is Donating 1 Million Medical Masks to Help With the Coronavirus Pandemic. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from

      Wagmeister, E. (2020, March 19). Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says. Retrieved March 25, 2020, from

  4. In general, I believe celebrities have had positive and beneficial reactions to the coronavirus. Although the viral video of celebrities coming together to sing “Imagine” received a lot of criticism for “bumblingly contributing” little to nothing as opposed to “money or resources”, it still brought attention to the crisis, social distancing and quarantining (Caramanica). While the criticism is understandable, those who used online platforms to spread hate could have used their social media to note how every celebrity recorded their cover from home.

    The sheer amount of views and conversations that this video generated proves that celebrities have an influence their fans. This is why it’s more important now than ever that celebrities share messaging about staying home and social distancing. Kylie Jenner’s efforts to respond to this crisis are an example of what celebrities should be doing on their social media. Jenner posted on her Twitter, “It’s so important right now to self quarantine to ensure we aren’t endangering ourselves or anyone who can’t handle this virus,” (Wagmeister). She also used her Instagram to give followers “Another daily reminder to take this social distancing serious and self quarantine” (Wagmeister). Jenner has “almost 200 million followers across her social media platforms” (Wagmeister), which means it’s vital that she uses her reach to talk about these pressing issues. She has the power to influence her fans to follow safety guidelines while the risk of the coronavirus is still high.

    Other celebrities have decided to use their fame and fortune to give back during a time of great loss. Some examples include Donatella Versace’s donation of “200,000 euros to Milan’s San Raffaele hospital”, Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams launch of Save With Stories, a charity initiative that hopes to “provide the supplies and resources necessary for the children who rely on their schools for food”, and Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds donation of $1 million to food banks (Glamour). These are all examples of celebrities using their fame and resources to directly help those in need. In my opinion, this type of response is the most effective and beneficial action celebrities can take during a pandemic. Anyone who currently has the ability to give back to charities and publics affected by the coronavirus should do so. Anyone who has the reach and influence that celebrities do should be using that power to highlight the importance of social distancing and quarantining.

    Caramanica, Jon. “This 'Imagine' Cover Is No Heaven.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 20 Mar. 2020,

    Glamour. “How Celebrities, Athletes, and Civilians Are Giving Back During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Glamour, Condé Nast, 23 Mar. 2020,

    Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, Variety Media, LLC. , 19 Mar. 2020,

  5. Alexis Tinney

    During this current pandemic it’s important to come together and help out when we can, celebrities included. With that being said I think celebrities are handling it in the best way possible at this time. This pandemic has also hugely impacted the entertainment industry with canceled concerts, award shows, and festivals. Celebrities are now using their free time to help the world and engage with fans more than ever before. Big celebrities like Shawn Mendes, Rihanna, Lady Gaga and plenty more have been very generous with their donations to people struggling during COVID-19. “With the situation and economy looking more dire with each passing day, celebrities are offering what help they can. Some musicians are sharing their talents, providing live streams of performances to keep fans entertained. Others are donating not only their time but their tremendous resources, to provide aid to the less fortunate in their communities and around the world” (Billboard, 2020). I personally think most celebrities are taking this scary time to do some good for the world. A lot of people look to celebrities for answers or distractions during hard times like this. Some celebrities who personally have been hit with COVID-19 took their experience to social media to provide ease to viewers. Big celebrities like Tom Hanks and his wife recently announced they tested positive for COVID-19. Although it was shocking to see someone many people know and look up to it also provides a sense of comfort. It’s amazing that someone with a big platform like Tom Hanks was public about COVID19 to show viewers look it will all be okay (Magee, 2020).
    In situations like this, I think celebrities definitely have the power to influence fans. When a fan sees their idol or a person they look up to doing something often times they want to replicate it. For a lot of college students, they continued their spring break until laws were put in place by the CDC. Sadly, some people didn’t take COVID19 seriously until celebrities starting telling everyone to stay home. Some people “We need to get our social media influencers out there in helping folks understand that this is serious. This is absolutely serious. People are dying” (Wagmeister, 2020). It has become obvious that the current generation won’t listen to what they’re told to do unless they hear it from their favorite celebrity. Kylie Jenner is one of the many celebrities urging people to stay home and do their part. Kylie has been constantly posting on her social platforms with almost 200 million followers. She even talked about her personal quarantine and that she hasn’t even seen her sisters (Wagmeister, 2020). Kylie also publicly thanked doctors and nurses while emphasizing the importance of staying home. “Another daily reminder to take this social distancing serious and self-quarantine.” She also posted a photo of doctors holding signs that say, “We stay here for you. Please stay home for us.” Overall, celebrities’ opinions and what they do have a huge influence on fans. Kylie Jenner is a perfect example of the impact a big star can have on fans.

  6. Alexis Tinney
    Works Cited

    Magee, Deja. “How Hollywood Celebrities Are Responding to COVID-19.” The Sundial,
    Staff, Billboard. “Stars Who Are Giving Back During The Coronavirus Pandemic.” Billboard, 25 Mar. 2020,
    Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, 19 Mar. 2020,

  7. Alexis Tinney
    Works Cited

    Magee, Deja. “How Hollywood Celebrities Are Responding to COVID-19.” The Sundial,

    Staff, Billboard. “Stars Who Are Giving Back During The Coronavirus Pandemic.” Billboard, 25 Mar. 2020,

    Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, 19 Mar. 2020,

  8. Katerina Bressette
    As the entire globe continues to prevent the spread of COVID-19, also known as Corona Virus, through national lockdowns and nation-wide school closings, many people are feeling the effects both financially and emotionally. The world has gone entirely virtual as we try tactics such as social distancing and working from home to prevent the spread of the virus. Now forced to socialize over the internet through social media and online forums, social influencers and celebrities, have become our inspirations in our isolated states. Overall, celebrities have had a positive reaction to the pandemic. Celebrities and social influencers have been donating to local hospitals, shelters and food banks, paying salaries for those unemployed from the virus and posting positive comments. Some examples of this include Zion Williamson, who posted on Instagram stating that he will be covering the salaries of Smoothie King Center’s staff due to their sudden closings because of the virus (Glamour). While many celebrities are donating like Williamson other celebrities are using their talent to help out where they can. According to Glamour, Josh Gad, the voice of Olaf in Disney’s Frozen, offers to live stream him reading child stories as entertainment while kids and families are stuck at home. Josh Gad states, “I’ll try to provide at least 10 minutes of daycare to you and your families a night while we’re going through this unprecedented global event” (Glamour). There are also a number of NBA players that are donating thousands of dollars to support the arenas that would have held their games but have furthermore been canceled due to the virus (Elkins). The most important impact that celebrities have had is by spreading the word to the younger generations to stay at home and away from others. Kylie Jenner is an example of celebrities using their influence to demonstrate how serious the virus is and how important it is for young people to stay home. According to one source, Kylie Jenner posted on her Instagram warning followers to stay home, “Another daily reminder to take this social distancing serious and self-quarantine. We stay here for you. Please stay home for us” (Wagmeister). Celebrities are also taking a stand against racial targeting that has begun to occur due to the Asian origin of the virus. Daniel Dae Kim, from Hawaii Five-0, was one of the celebrities diagnosed with COVID-19. He has been extremely open about his journey throughout his diagnosis and illness by posting regularly on social media, but Kim has been advocating for Asian discrimination and targeting due to the virus originating in China. According to Yahoo Entertainment, Kim states, “Despite what certain political leaders want to call it, I don’t consider the place where it’s from as important as the people who are sick and dying. If I did, I would call this thing the ‘New York virus,’ but that would be silly, right? The name calling gets us nowhere” (Byrne). Celebrities have not been sitting back while COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the world, they have been connecting with their fans, spreading the seriousness of the virus, positive thoughts as well as donating what they can to help those greatly affected during this time.
    I believe that celebrities hold a lot of influence especially in times such as this one. The celebrities who have been vocal on social media, posting positive comments, spreading awareness and holding virtual concerts to keep everyone from panic has been very effective. I think that everyone is ready to listen to anyone of influence during a pandemic due to many people living in fear of the virus. This makes it even more important that celebrities and influencers are posting information that is accurate and positive, spreading hopeful and helpful thoughts to influence the public, especially the younger generations. I believe that celebrities and influencers have more power to influence the public during situations like the COVID-19 pandemic because the public needs reassurance and positivity in hard and stressful times.

  9. Katerina Bressette
    Works Cited
    Byrne, Suzy. “Daniel Dae Kim Tests Positive for COVID-19, Calls for End to Discrimination against Asians for Coronavirus.” Yahoo!, Yahoo!, 19 Mar. 2020,
    Elkins, Kathleen. “NBA Players, Celebrities and Others Who Are Helping Those Most Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.” CNBC, CNBC, 17 Mar. 2020,
    Glamour. “Bethenny Frankel Is Donating 1 Million Medical Masks to Help With the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Glamour, Glamour, 23 Mar. 2020,
    Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, 19 Mar. 2020,


  10. So far with the COVID-19 pandemic, it has made it hard for thousands of celebrities to do what they do best which is entertain the world. In my personal opinion, I believe that many influencers and music stars in particular have done a great job at handling the given circumstances. For example, I was on Instagram yesterday and saw at least three live concerts on my live pages from popular music stars such as Shawn Mendes and Miley Cyrus. This has made these stars still give their fans the opportunity to engage and feel as though they are important. This not only benefits the fans though; stars can gain a bigger following and social media presence because of this as well.

    Social Media Influencers have not had to change their routine much since the pandemic. The only things they have had to change is photo locations, and their vlog content might be a bit more “dry” than usual. I was on Snapchat this morning and David Dobrik even stated that his upcoming vlogs will just not be what they have been for years because Los Angeles is on lockdown and he can only do so much.

    This whole situation has been making those who were blessed with a following even reach out on a national level. “When people see Donovan Mitchell on social media or doing public service announcements for us reminding them of the protocol. When he says 'hey, I'm good, I'm healthy,' we have to be careful” (CBS) These well-known athletes and stars have a voice and they have not been afraid to use it. This has been done similarly by many other social media icons as well in order to keep the public informed and safe.

    Along with the large following of many of the social media icons comes a hefty wallet. Thankful those like Kylie Jenner were not afraid to open their wallet and help to donate to the COVID-19 crisis. Other stars have been donating as well but in different ways and for different causes. “Per E! News, singer Ciara and her NFL star husband, Russell Wilson, were two of the most recent celebrities to take to Instagram to share that they were donating one million meals to Seattle-based food banks, which are supported by Food Lifeline.” (GLAMOUR) This couple decided to take a different route and make sure those who did not have enough money or are living from one paycheck at a time will still be able to eat.

    I strongly believe that these social media starts do have the power to influence fans. Just from being on social media myself and reading comments, I believe that they have been having an impact on thousands upon thousands across the country. For example, Vanessa Hudgens went on social media and went ahead and said some regretful words regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and people were not afraid to respond. She then had to hop back on and make sure she was spreading the right message saying, “"It's a crazy time, it's a crazy, crazy time and I am at home and in lockdown and that's what I hope you guys are doing too," she told her 38.4 million followers.” (BBC) This is a great example on how social media influencers can have an impact on what people thing and how they respond.

  11. References:

    Elkins, Kathleen. “NBA Players, Celebrities and Others Who Are Helping Those Most Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.” CNBC, CNBC, 17 Mar. 2020,

    Glamour. “Bethenny Frankel Is Donating 1 Million Medical Masks to Help With the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Glamour, Glamour, 23 Mar. 2020,

    Coronavirus: Vanessa Hudgens sorry for 'people are going to die' comments. (2020, March 18). Retrieved from

  12. In the wake of this global pandemic, celebrities have been making incredible impacts and helping communities around the world. Through monetary and physical donations, as well as through social outreach, celebrities “have been leading an economic and social charge to assist those affected by the virus,” according to Instyle (Jones). Billions of people are being affected by the virus, whether they have contracted it or not. People are losing their jobs, losing access to child care, and many are losing the ability to leave their homes. The help that celebrities are giving is spreading positivity in a time that the world needs it most.

    Many celebrities have turned to social media as a way to reach out to their fans and other users. This celebrity to fan communication comes as no surprise, since people around the world are being told to stay home and distance themselves from friends and family members. There has never been a more apt time to use platforms like Instagram and Twitter to communicate. Celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Hillary Duff and Reese Witherspoon are just a few of the celebrities that have been vlogging, dancing or even acting for their fans currently stuck inside their homes.

    Another response to COVID 19 from celebrities has been the outpouring of donations to various organizations and communities. Athletes like Kevin Love donated $100 thousand to Cleveland’s Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse, while influencer Chiara Ferragni donated the same amount to hospitals in Italy. Other celebrities and well known business owners have vied to cover the salaries of people who are now newly unemployed, ensuring that these workers aren’t forgotten in the midst of the current worldwide panic.

    Not only do donations like these help communities and organizations struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, it inspires others to do good as well. Since celebrities started to announce their contributions to coronavirus relief efforts, there has been an increased spike in celebrities using their social media platforms to spread positivity. For example, according to Glamour, Josh Gad “lent his famous parents as “10 minutes of free daycare,” by live-streaming a reading of his favorite children’s book, Olivia Goes to Venice, on Twitter” (Glamour). Similarly, Amy Adams took to Instagram to “announce the launch of her and [Jennifer] Garner’s charity initiative, Save With Stories, which aims to provide the supplies and resources necessary for the children who rely on their schools for food” (Glamour). Efforts like these allow people to have something to look forward to during their newly ‘stay-at-home’ life, and give a much needed distraction from the coronavirus crisis that is constantly in the back of everyone’s minds.

    That being said, there are still many people who are not taking this crisis seriously—another place that celebrities have been making an impact. According to Variety, influencers like Kylie Jenner and the rest of the Kardashian clan “can help social media savvy generations to understand the heightened risk for young people” (Wagmeister). Celebrities using their platforms to warn people of the risks of COVID 19 can open the eyes of the younger generations that are ignoring the severity of the virus. Though it is surprising to think that people would more likely listen to the advice of Kylie Jenner than an actual doctor, influencers and celebrities like her can help flatten the curve and prevent the virus from being spread to at risk communities.

  13. Glamour. “How Celebrities, Athletes, and Civilians Are Giving Back During the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Glamour, Condé Nast, 23 Mar. 2020,

    Jones, Isabel. “Here's How Celebrities Are Helping Those Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic.” InStyle, 21 Mar. 2020.

    Wagmeister, Elizabeth. “Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says.” Variety, 19 Mar. 2020,

  14. The topic of conversation continues to be about COVID-19. It is what consumes most of our daily lives and constricts us from living our lives normally so we can keep others safe and healthy. Celebrities have contributed to the conversation by encouraging and supporting the governments actions. For example, Kylie Jenner has spoke about taking this virus seriously and abiding by the regulations that have been in place. Such as social distancing or only leaving the house for essential goods. According to an article from Variety, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams gives Kylie recognition for using her social media and “clout” to reach Gen Z and rely how important this is. According to one of Jenners tweets from this past week, she says “I hope everyone is feeling well! It’s so important right now to self quarantine to ensure we aren’t endangering ourselves or anyone who can’t handle this virus.”

    Other celebrities have been donating money and again using their social media following to continue to flatten the curve. Other acts of kindness include making food for children who before relied on school lunches to feed them or covering wages for those who are unable to work because of social distancing and their businesses are classified as “non-essential” at this time (restaurants or bars). One of the most generous acts of kindness I’ve read about during this time was Rihanna. According to a Billboard article, her nonprofit has donated 5 million dollars to serve less privileged communities. This includes healthcare professionals who have been working day in and day out during this pandemic. To help those who are helping everyone is so generous and I just think of their own families. I’ve seen some stories on the news about heath care workings having to quarantine themselves from their families so having this donation to help workers gives them some support and comfort (I hope).

    I have also seen some posts on Instagram trying to make light of the situation. For example, I’ve seen a video of Cardi B that has turned into a voice over on Tik Tok. She’s just talking about how serious the corona has become. (I included the link of the video from Instagram:
    I think this video was a positive message to fans considering it’s her talking about how serious this is and how people need to talk it seriously. Even though the message was created and shown as a joke, I think it’s gotten some traction. I have personally been sent this specific video over DM 5 times. I have seen parts of this video all over Tik Tok attached to dances and tagged with hashtags like #COVID19 and #flattenthecurve.

    Cardi B on Instagram: "I'll make sure I say Hi to Santa Claus for yaaaa .Bitch shit just hit the fan !". (n.d.). Retrieved from

    Staff, B. (2020, March 25). Stars Who Are Giving Back During The Coronavirus Pandemic. Retrieved from

    Wagmeister, E. (2020, March 19). Kylie Jenner Can Urge Gen Z to Take Coronavirus Seriously, Surgeon General Says. Retrieved from


Media Trends Blog 9, Question 1 (April 16th)

What do you think is the most important trend that is cutting across all media industries and having the biggest impact on both profession...